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[ADDED LATER] A couple of Intro/ Demo videos about WYDYL!

Bad Hire Problems

Rethink Recruitment

Conduct a deeper psychoanalysis on candidates for better results!!

Bad Hire Problems

Hiring a wrong person can cost up to 3 to 28 times Base Salary!!

- Estimated to cost between $25,000 - $50,000 per hire

- 70% of companies reported 'Bad Hires' lowered company’s productivity, affected worker morale, resulted in legal issues

What results in "Bad Hires"?

Rush in "Filling Positions" and thereby "Insufficient Talent Intelligence" are considered as the TOP reasons behind hiring the wrong person

Bad Hire Problems
Bad Hire Problems

What goes Wrong!!

- The current testing/ talent measurement systems focuses on "What" aspects of candidates 'answer' but fail to address the "WHO" and "HOW" factors, which are more crucial to the understanding of an individual's aptitude/ personality

- Owing to the same 'approach to problem-solving', 'Deliberate Faking', 'Gusses and Chance', 'Plagiarism' etc gets ignored!

Solution: The Wydyl Way

- Games naturally promote a much higher level of engagement, so during a game-play an individual is much more likely to be "Own Self" rather than "more socially correct" or "more politically correct"

- Plus, GAMING is FUN

Bad Hire Problems
Bad Hire Problems

What all can be Measured!!

Almost EVERY ASPECT that are required can be measured, which includes:

  • * Analytical and Logical Reasoning
  • * Quantitative Ability
  • * Verbal Reasoning
  • * Personality factors, attitude and nature
  • * Domain Specific skill-sets

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Feel free to reach us for any queries, suggestion, feedback and anything else